About us [new]

We process and analyze genomic data for biotech companies by providing expertise so they can save time and money

Bridge Informatics is made up of a group of biologists, computational scientists, software engineers and bioinformaticians with extensive experience in providing solutions to genome-based problems the Life Science community. We know that the fastest path to life-saving discoveries requires efficient and accurate data analysis. As new sequencing technologies develop, new challenges arise in data storage, data infrastructure, and analysis. We have the diverse expertise to help you with these new challenges. Your group may need to quickly learn a new set of skills or simply augment their existing staff. This is where Bridge Informatics fits perfectly! Our data scientists are ready to quickly jump in and be a part of your informatics team. We want to bridge the gap between your data and insight.

Dan Ryder

Dan is the founder and CEO of Bridge Informatics, a professional services firm focused on services in data science, with a strong focus on bioinformatics and software engineering.

He has always been fascinated with communication. Early on as a bench scientist in grad school, he noticed a large disconnect between bench scientists and computational scientists. This taught him to appreciate the value of communication between people of different scientific backgrounds and focus on improving communication between them.

Dan created Bridge Informatics to not only help clients process and analyze genomic data sets but to improve communication between his biology-focused scientists and the computational-focused scientists. That is why he hires bioinformaticians with a strong background in biology. At its core, Bridge Informatics is here to help bridge the gap for clients and to help them save time by utilizing the tidal wave of data plus a multitude of bioinformatic tools. The goal? To translate the “infinitely small” data points into medicine faster than before.

“The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely great.” He loves this quote because it emphasizes the small, yet important details in both science and life. He believes the genomic data we swim around in every day represents the infinitely small, and that this genomic data, no matter how small it seems, has massive potential to help us find new biomarkers, drugs, and drug targets for patients who need them. Through Dan’s mission, Bridge Informatics provides their clients with strategies to achieve precision medicine.

Daniel Dacey

Daniel Dacey is the Business Development Manager at Bridge Informatics. As an undergraduate, Daniel became entrenched in the care of patients while working in a hospital laboratory as an assistant and phlebotomist. Upon graduation, he furthered his work as a medical laboratory scientist running diagnostic tests.

During this time, he noticed a disconnect between the testing of infectious disease agents and time to treatment because of outdated diagnostic methods. Fascinated with how molecular diagnostics may revolutionize treatments in this area, Daniel obtained an MS degree in molecular and cellular biology, and jumped over to Roche Diagnostics where he was involved in the setup and training of molecular diagnostic lab equipment.

Once he realized the value of this patient data and how precision medicine could greatly benefit from access to it, Daniel went back to school to get his PhD. His field of expertise focused on mosquito microbiomes and how this microbial community may interfere with disease transmission and control strategies. These studies leveraged several public datasets and revealed massive pitfalls in bioinformatic processes, thus piquing his interest in providing others with robust bioinformatic pipelines to extract meaningful information from data repositories.

At every step along his professional journey Daniel realized more and more the power of OMICs data, and that it is only as valuable as the people who designed the experiment and performed the analysis.

Daniel is excited to be building a team of intelligent, collaborative bioinformaticians and engineers to tackle problems related to data science in the world of patient care. Whether helping a life science company identify a disease biomarker or building out a predictive model for precision medicine, his goal is always to help keep patient data safe while advancing the scientific underpinnings of disease with his team at Bridge Informatics.