Pipeline Development

Pipeline Development

Analytical Pipeline Development

In the world of OMICs and molecular pathology, bioinformatics uses computational, mathematical, and statistical tools to collect, organize, and analyze large and complex datasets. Datasets can include NGS data, biological data, patient information, diagnostic data, and metadata. A bioinformatics pipeline is a set of bioinformatics algorithms executed in a predefined sequence to process such data.

Automated Workflows

At Bridge Informatics, we custom-tailor computational and bioinformatic specifications alongside you and your team. Our scientists specialize in helping you to develop the command line interface-based applications that you need to manage and analyze your data so that each workflow is scalable.

Custom Cloud or Local Pipelines

The pipelines we develop are second to none. We can run these pipelines locally on our machines or on your cloud infrastructure (which we can also help setup for you). If you’re new to pipelines, think of them as a set of automated workflows that enable data scientists to compile, build, and deploy their code to the corresponding platforms in a way that is reproducible and reliable. We are happy to (1) implement these pipelines and give you the end results (often in the form of plots) or (2) give you the scripts we have created and take the time to explain how they work so you can run them yourself in the future.

Reach out if you think this type of service can help bring your projects to completion!